List of Helpful Self-Esteem Activities for Children

Building a strong foundation of self-esteem in children is crucial for their overall development. Self-esteem not only shapes their beliefs about their abilities but also influences their resilience in the face of challenges. As parents, educators, or caregivers, fostering a positive self-image in children is a responsibility that comes with immense rewards. 

In this article, we'll explore six simple yet effective self-esteem activities for children that can be seamlessly incorporated into their daily lives.

Positive Affirmations:

Encouraging positive self-talk is a powerful way to boost a child's self-esteem. Introduce them to the concept of affirmations – short, positive statements that they can repeat to themselves. These affirmations should highlight their strengths, uniqueness, and capabilities. Create a routine where your child starts or ends their day by saying affirmations in front of a mirror. For example, "I am smart and capable," or "I am kind and helpful." Over time, this practise helps shape a more positive self-perception.

To make it even more engaging, consider turning affirmations into a fun activity. Create colourful affirmation cards with your child, letting them decorate each card with drawings or stickers. Place these cards in visible places around the house, like the bedroom mirror or the refrigerator. The constant exposure to these positive messages will contribute to building their self-esteem.

Goal Setting and Achieving:

Setting and achieving small, attainable goals can significantly contribute to a child's sense of accomplishment. Start by discussing with your child what they want to achieve – it could be learning a new skill, completing a puzzle, or even making their bed every morning. Break down the goal into smaller, manageable steps, and celebrate each step along the way.

For instance, if the goal is to read a book, set milestones for completing a certain number of pages each day. As your child achieves each mini-goal, acknowledge their effort and provide positive reinforcement. This not only instils a sense of pride but also teaches them the value of perseverance and hard work. The joy of accomplishing tasks they set for themselves will contribute to a positive self-image.

Embracing Failure as a Learning Opportunity:

Teaching children to view failure as a natural part of the learning process is crucial for developing resilience and healthy self-esteem. Rather than shying away from mistakes, encourage them to see setbacks as opportunities to learn and grow. Share stories of successful individuals who faced failures but emerged stronger and more determined.

Create a 'Failure Wall' where your child can pin the mistakes or challenges they've encountered. After pinning, discuss what they've learnt from the experience and how they can use it to improve. This visual representation helps normalise the idea that everyone makes mistakes, and it's okay. The emphasis is on the lessons learnt and the personal growth that comes from facing challenges head-on.

Encouraging Hobbies and Talents:

Helping children discover and nurture their interests and talents can significantly contribute to building self-esteem. Provide opportunities for them to explore various activities – be it painting, playing a musical instrument, or engaging in sports. Observe their preferences and encourage them to pursue activities that genuinely bring them joy.

Participating in activities they enjoy allows children to experience a sense of competence and accomplishment. Even if they don't excel immediately, the process of improvement fosters a positive self-image. Praise their efforts, not just the outcomes, and emphasise that progress is more important than perfection. Creating a supportive environment for exploring hobbies helps children build confidence in their abilities.

Gratitude Journal:

Cultivating gratitude is a powerful tool for enhancing self-esteem. Encourage your child to keep a gratitude journal where they can jot down things they are thankful for each day. This simple practise shifts their focus from what they lack to appreciating what they have, fostering a positive mindset.

Make it a daily routine to discuss the entries in the gratitude journal. This not only reinforces the habit but also provides an opportunity for meaningful conversations. By acknowledging the positive aspects of their lives, children learn to value themselves and their contributions. It's a wonderful way to instil a sense of self-worth and promote a more optimistic outlook.

Team Building Activities:

Collaborative activities help children develop social skills, build confidence in their abilities, and foster a sense of belonging. Engage in team-building activities that require cooperation, communication, and problem-solving. This could be as simple as building a puzzle together, working on a family project, or participating in group games.

When children experience success as a team, they internalise a sense of accomplishment that contributes to their self-esteem. Emphasise the importance of everyone's contribution, highlighting each child's strengths. This not only builds their confidence but also teaches them the value of collaboration and mutual support.


In nurturing a child's self-esteem, consistency and positive reinforcement play pivotal roles. By incorporating these simple yet effective activities into their daily lives, parents, educators, and caregivers can contribute to the development of resilient, confident, and self-assured individuals. Remember, building self-esteem is a continuous process, and the small, intentional efforts made today can have a lasting impact on a child's future. So, let's embark on this journey of empowerment, fostering self-esteem one positive activity at a time.

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