10 Things Kids Need from Their Parents

Parenting is one of the most rewarding and challenging roles one can undertake. As parents, we strive to provide the best for our children, to see them grow into happy and well-adjusted individuals. But what do kids genuinely need from their parents to thrive? While the specifics may vary from one child to another, there are fundamental things every child requires for healthy development.

In this blog, we'll explore the ten essential things kids need from their parents to help them flourish and lead fulfilling lives.


Every child needs love, and every child deserves it. Sometimes, we may give our kids too many material possessions or unnecessary pleasures, but these things can make them feel empty if they haven't earned them. When we focus on material stuff, we raise entitled kids who struggle to find long-lasting happiness.

What we can never give our children too much of is our love. Love is simple; it's not something you can touch or see, but the warm feeling of complete acceptance we give our children. We love them because they deserve our love.


Raising kids can be frightening, and sometimes, as parents, we become so overwhelmed by fear that we forget to trust. How much we trust our children affects their self-belief. When our children sense that our fears are always getting in the way of them trying new things, exploring, or experiencing life, it subtly tells them that we don't believe in them.

This hidden message can shake their confidence, making them doubt themselves or push back against our controlling fears. To help our children thrive, we should trust them and give them the space to learn, grow, and succeed.


When our children sеnsе that we bеliеvе in them, they naturally bеliеvе in themselves.  However, if we constantly doubt their character or their ability to make good choices, it creates a divide between us.  As parents, we must recognise that our children are distinct individuals with unique qualities. 

We should give them room to be themselves and trust that we’ve given them an excellent foundation to learn from their mistakes and improve.  If we consistently react with doubt or criticism when they make mistakes or decisions, we can undermine their motivation to grow and learn.


Parenting can be challenging because we often have a specific idea of what we want for our kids, which can lead us to push them too hard to meet our expectations. But what our children need from us is patience, not pressure. It's essential to give them space to develop at their own pace as each child grows uniquely. If we constantly push them to excel in every aspect of life, it can hold them back.

Patience shows our belief that, with time and practise, they will find their path. Too much pressure can crush their spirits and even their motivation. We don't want to raise kids who think they're only loved when they perform perfectly. They're not circus animals.


Physical contact plays a vital role in any relationship. It triggers the hormones that make us feel closer, more loving, and more secure. It can even quickly reduce our stress. Our children will face challenges just like anyone else. When we see them struggling, it's not helpful to burden them with our worries.

Instead, we should offer them love and support, assuring them that tough times will eventually improve. A little affection can make difficult situations more straightforward, so talk to your children, show them love, and give them comforting hugs instead of yelling at them.


As parents, our job is to give our kids helpful feedback that helps them become better people. When we criticise, shout, or act mean, it doesn't help them grow. Instead, they might feel small, get mad, and start thinking bad things about themselves, what they can do, and even us.

When we shield our kids from feeling bad and never let them make mistakes, we also take away their chance to find happiness. Our children need our guidance to know that the most essential part of life is working hard to see what gives it meaning and purpose.   

Kindness and Understanding

Every child has a unique path in life. They aren't here to be just like us or to outdo their siblings, friends, or our friends' kids. When we measure our children against others, we say they're not as good. This can harm their motivation and make them feel like they don't matter. There's no need for comparisons.

The only fair comparison is with themselves, but we all go through tough times we'd instead leave behind. If we must compare, it should be to show how much progress our children have made. Let's replace comparison with compassion.


Our job as parents is to teach our children what's right and wrong, but it's not our place to decide who they should become. We should avoid trying to control, manipulate, or push our kids away from their natural interests. Instead, we should let them make their own decisions and learn from their choices.

If we express disappointment or disapproval when they make choices different from what we would have, we're trying to manipulate them. To be great parents, we should lead fulfilling lives with a purpose beyond just being parents so we don't try to live our unfulfilled dreams through our children. It's not their responsibility to compensate for what we feel we're missing in our own lives.


Respect is crucial. When you treat your kids with respect, they'll learn to respect you in return. Children tend to follow your actions, not just your words. They won't automatically respect you just because you're an adult. To earn their respect, you need to respect them first. If you mock or disobey them, they might do the same to you.

If you want them to respect you, start by respecting yourself and show them how it's done. Most importantly, please show respect to them; this is how they learn to respect themselves and you naturally. If you, as a parent, act emotionally immature by getting angry, making fun of them, throwing tantrums, or ignoring them, you're teaching them to respond to you and life similarly.


Time is precious. Children crave your love, attention, and care. Nothing can replace you in their lives. Don't allow babysitters, iPads, video games, or other distractions to take your place as their primary caregiver. Our society is busy, and we all have responsibilities, but our children should always be a top priority.

Find daily moments to connect with your kids, tailored to their age and needs. Even 5 to 10 minutes of quality time with a teenager can be enough, but ensure they receive it. Whenever our children need us, they should feel confident we'll be there.

Zonky Play Sofa: Where parents and kids build bonds through imaginative adventures and cosy moments on a modular playground of creativity.

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